Increasing HIV prevention, care and treatment services in Simanjiro DC

The main barrier towards maintaining the levels of access and increasing access to HIV prevention, care and treatment services has been the fear of COVID-19 among the community members (PLHIV inclusive) as well as the shortage in human resources caused by all the health personnel focusing on addressing issues of COVID-19. The latest barrier is the fear of COVID-19 vaccine caused by political turmoil. E-mac is working to mitigate the threats brought about by COVID-19 by capacitating the CHWs through short term training on the precautions against COVID-19 mainly centering on the importance of vaccination among PLHIV. The CHWs are being provided with short term payments and protective equipment to enable them to follow up the Loss to Follow (PLHIV who are not adhering to the uptake of ART) as well as provide psychosocial support at community level through small group sessions or one-on-one encounters.

Recently E-mac conducted a Data Quality Assessment activity to clearly identify and document Constraints of data collection methodologies/systems which negatively influence the ability to collect and report data also to verify reported data  Versus reality.

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