E-MAC Tanzania has recently signed a contract wit SNV to implement OYE-2 Project in Morogoro (Mvomero district).The project’s key indicators include the following are Improved financial security in terms of regular, diversified, year-round income, Key asset acquisition in terms of land, housing, livestock, transportation, and household appliance and Increased resilience, self-confidence, and ability to recognize and grasp business opportunities, as well as assuming leadership roles in economic and public life
Following this, E-mac attended an inception meeting with other Local Service Providers, and SNV on 24th May 2022. The main outputs from the meeting were
- RAS to give feedback of implementation (annual report April 2021 to March 2022), and plan for year 2 (April 2022 to March 2023) + request for letters to DEDs
- DED for the same purpose as above + newly selected wards/villages + request for letters to WEOs
Community mobilization meeting was done in all the villages where the project is being implemented to bring community members ad village leaders on board.
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